Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baby, It’s Cold Outside-In All Our Old Familiar Places

Thursday, February 11, 2010

This morning I feel much better.

The windows on the balcony are beautiful-covered in icy swirls.

I’d thought about going to the shopping center today but I want to catch up on my posts and if it’s as cold as I think it is out there, I’d just as soon stay in.

In the afternoon Bernie goes to the store underneath the apartment complex for bok choy to have for dinner with our chicken. The store is located outside the gate in a shopping center that is half a story below street level.

He confirms just how cold it is. An icy blast hit him when he opened the door and it kept up the whole time he was out.

I check MSN Weather. I’ve selected several cities to check while I’m here- Dalian, Middletown, Atlanta, and whatever city we’re traveling to next.

It’s cold everywhere in our world. As a matter of fact, Middletown, with a low of 7 is even colder than Dalian, at 12. In Atlanta, the temperature is 27 and they’re expecting snow.

Ok, well. Heck, might as well be here.

By nightfall, the wind out of Siberia has begun howling. It shakes the windows and whistles past the eaves.

I keep thinking of Dr. Zhivago. We’re east of where it took place, but the countryside looks much the same, minus so much snow. Just the Siberian wind.

And to think, people move here from Harbin for the mild temperatures.

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