Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Bloggy Valentine

Sunday, January 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day.

Ten years ago today we were in London. I remember because I kept wanting Bernie to take me for a romantic dinner that night and we ended up eating supermarket food in our room at the bed and breakfast on Gower Street.

Today I have brought my blog up to date and published it. There's a big slug of entries all lumped together, but they're out there.

We're packing for Beijing. Autumn will pick us up at 8:00 a.m.

I've been at the computer all day.

Now we're going to call Eddie and order some pizza.

And, yeah, we're going to watch Lost.

Hope your Valentine's Day is great. Be good to one another.

P.S. Photos to accompany entries will be posted when we get back from Beijing.

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